Image Licensing

Licenses for reproduction and usage of Carolyn Quan’s artwork is available to the general public. Licenses can be issued for legal use of the artwork on a number of items such as, but not limited to:

• Book jackets
• CD covers and packaging
• DVD packaging
• Websites
• Videos
• Slide shows
• Event posters
• Invitations
and other applications…

Fees for licensing the use of Carolyn’s artwork for your own graphic design purposes are based on a number of variables such as geographical distribution, length of use, number of reproductions, size of final image, whether the license is for print or web, etc.

Licensing fees are very affordable and can be as little as $150 for indefinite use of an image on a website or as little as $50 to reprint an image on 100 – 4″x6″ full-color event invitations.

Specific licensing terms are outlined in a formal legal contract that is agreed upon by both parties.

Please contact us for a quote or for more details about our licensing agreements.

If you are a licensing agent:
Please contact Carolyn at or call (415) 450-1307 to discuss representation.

If you are a product manufacturer:
Please contact Carolyn at or call (415) 450-1307 to discuss your project needs.

Customized collages can also be created for you. Please click here to learn more about having a one-of-a-kind collage created for you, whether it is for your business or for you personally.